Reflections on attending Pain Association meetings

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Something I have learned is that fear can make pain much worse than it really is, the sort of fear I refer to is that of the unknown, what is this that invades my body? Chips away at my resilience? Gives me sleep deprived nights? Makes me irritable? Infuses me with anger and a whole host of other feelings some dark and some so dark I don't even want to go there.

Coming to the pain meetings has been helpful in so many ways, it has helped to explain how to deal with a lot of the problems and stress we experience and therefore how to deal with the response of those who have no idea of what we go through despite their best intentions and understanding.

It has been very revealing when someone mentions a side effect or reaction and you suddenly think to yourself, BLIMEY I HAVE THAT, I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!! and it is totally wonderful to be in a room with other people who may not have the sort of the pain you suffer but understand the effect it can have on your mind and body. 

Talking to other people  has also been very educational, it may be something  simple that you may have overheard and you think to yourself why haven't I done that? or just an exchange of ideas and thoughts, it all helps to make you realise you  are not alone.

Something else which has come out of our sessions is the relaxation part, I was very sceptical of this approach but after a session with Phil at one of the meetings I found myself so relaxed one day that on the way home I had to pull off the road for ten minutes to gather myself together.

One totally unexpected side effect the Pain Association has given me is that some of us get together a couple times a month for lunch at different venues in our area for a chat, good food and a chance for some to be somewhere different for a short while.

A long time ago when I first started having serious problems with my Arthritis a physiotherapist told that she could teach me how to help myself but it would be up to me to put in the effort, so it is with the Pain Association, if you attend a meeting with a negative frame of mind nothing is going to help you, if on the other hand you go with a positive attitude you will be very surprised at what can be achieved.


Pain Association Scotland Service User


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