Our Values

We have ten values which each highlights the importance of the work that we do. Each value has their own explanation to why it was important which we have listed below.

Reliable: Regular service being delivered monthly, service constantly, online or face to face. Constantly being delivered in a high quality service across all mediums.

Friendly:  We are approachable and accessible and value the people we work with.

Inspiring: Focus on achieving individuals aspirations, and responding to their needs and circumstances.

Inclusive:  We never ask about individual’s medical conditions and we are available to anyone regardless of diagnosis

Supportive:  We recognise the value of peer support and actively encourage this at our sessions.

Professional:  Through our years of experience we ensure the ongoing knowledge to deliver high quality service.

Co-Productive: Responsive to the needs of those who attend the sessions.

Creative:  Constantly seeking new ways to improve access and develop original materials.

Collaborative:  We collaborate our service users, agencies we work with, our funders and healthcare professionals referring to our service.

Person Centred:  We focus on the induvial and what they can do not on their condition or disability.