What You Need to Know About Sleep

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Getting a good night’s sleep is critically important for everyone’s health. It’s the time the body and mind uses to rest, repair, debrief and press the re-set button for the next day. 

There are many reasons for interrupted sleep but public enemy number one, is stress and a racing mind.  

At the moment we’re noticing that corona virus lock-down is really starting to affect people.  There is more stress and anxiety about which is undoubtedly affecting mood in the day and sleep at night.  This may of course be experienced on top of worry from living with a limiting condition, or the usual problems of day to day life. 

The good news is that we can do things to improve sleep. Some of this is about following some simple rules and the other part is finding ways to put the brakes on a racing mind. 

Our Lead Trainer Phil Sizer has shared a recording chapter on Sleep from his book Chronic Pain the drug free way, published by Sheldon Press.  Just click below to play the recordings.  It’s recorded quite gently, so just playing it might just put you to sleep on its own! 

To help further with sleep, most people benefit greatly from a good relaxation recording. If you click on this link  https://painassociation.co.uk/listen , you will find 5 relaxation recordings that you can play.  Phil suggests that the counting technique is a great way to put the brakes on a racing mind and get back to sleep.  Have a listen to the other tracks because the key to relaxing, slowing that racing mind and getting some peace, is finding a relaxation that works for you.  It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, it just needs to work for you.   

We’d love to hear how this helps you.  

We wish you all a better sleep tonight.

Kind regards, 

The Team at Pain Association Scotland 



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