Important Ideas Competition

We recently put out a video on our social media channels to show what is coming soon at Pain Association Scotland. Part of the video had information about a competition we are going to be having.

We recently updated our old ten steps leaflet that we felt needed updating.

There are more than 10 ideas in this document and it is likely that you can think of some more that we have missed! But we felt that it would be a good idea to share it. If you are interested, we would love to hear any ideas you have for what to call it. We have called it simply: Important ideas in Pain Management which we realise is a bit plain. So if you have any good ideas that you’d like to share with us, then please let us know what you think would work better.

The winning entry will receive a copy of of Chronic Pain the Drug- Free Way by Phil Sizer and a year’s free Pain Association membership.

To enter just contact our office with your name and your name idea for the important ideas document.

You can contact the office by phoning our freephone number : 0800 783 6059 or by emailing our info box :

Competition is open until the end of June 2021.


Self-Management for me


How a group member feels about our online meetings